Wednesday, March 09, 2005

One Last Peek Before Birth

Yesterday I had my 35 week appointment and my final scheduled ultrasound with my doctor. It had been 16 weeks since I last saw Pea, so I was very anxious for the day to come. Plus, John was going to be there too - he hadn't seen Pea since she was 12 weeks!

Before the ultrasound I got my normal measurements and such. 2 more pounds gained (yikes!) and normal blood pressure. My fundal height soared from 31 cm to 35 cm in just 2 1/2 weeks. After my doctor measured me he said that he was glad I had grown because the fact that I didn't last time (I was 31 cm at 30w3d and at 32w3d) was one of the reasons he wanted to do the u/s this time. I'm glad he didn't tell me that last appointment - I would have been freaked out!

Anyway, the ultrasound went great. Of course the machine wasn't the fanciest so the pictures are bad and it's so hard to tell what is what since she's so big now. But the head, abdomen and leg all measured right at 35 weeks. We also confirmed that Pea is in fact a girl. The doctor pointed out the vulva and I said "I guess we're ok with all the pink we bought". To which he replied "Yeah, we don't typically see those on boys". Of course I have no idea what we were actually looking at (and neither did John), but we'll take his word for it.

Pea is head down as I expected based on her kicks. Dr. L. expects that she'll probably stay that way at this point. The placenta is still in front and is low, but is not previa, so no issues there. Based on her measurements, he estimated her weight to be 5 1/2 pounds.

So next Tuesday I go back in and start my weekly appointments. He's going to start the internal checks and also do the strep B test. I can't believe we're almost at that point. It's gone so slow at times, but now it seems to be approaching fast. I can't wait! At this point, anything I have left to do isn't critical. She has a doctor, a place to sleep, a car seat - the important stuff. And so many people that already love her tremendously.

My next peek of my little one will be when she is born - how exciting to think about!


At 3:33 PM, Blogger Carrie said...

LOL, at least your doctor has a sense of humor! :) I can't believe it's almost time to meet Pea!!!

At 9:19 AM, Blogger Jackie said...

Yay for a good appointment! I'm glad that Pea isn't a "he" with that beautiful pink room that you've decorated!!!



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