Friday, January 21, 2005

Is it Weird I Liked the Glucose Test Drink?

Today was another doctor's appointment. I went in the morning since I had to also do the glucose test and my doctor didn't want me to eat before it. So I went in at about 9 and chugged down the drink. I actually liked it just fine - tasted just like Orange soda to me - and I like just about anything Orange flavored anyway. Yum!

So while I waited my hour before the bloodwork, I went ahead and had my appointment. Amazingly, I didn't gain any weight from my last appointment. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that I am usually weighed in the afternoon and this was morning. But my doctor was a bit surprised by it due to my previous weight gains and even asked me if I was still eating ok (I am for sure!). I did gain 3 centimeters in my belly though, so Pea is growing just fine. No worries there. I think my belly grew those 3 centimeters this week alone. I swear my belly on Tuesday was much larger than it was on Monday.

It was pretty cute when the nurse was trying to listen to the heartbeat on the doppler. As usual, Pea wanted nothing to do with it and tried to move out of the way. The nurse held down the other side of my belly with her free hand so Pea couldn't escape, and in retaliation Pea gave her a swift kick, which the nurse felt and laughed about. It was really funny to me - I guess Pea is stubborn!

Next week I guess I'll hear if I failed the glucose test. I'm not too worried - I don't think I should. He also checked my iron again to see if he wants to bump me up to iron every day instead of every other day. It's not bothering me to take it and I just got a 90 day refill from the mail, so whatever.

So I'm happy to report that all is good in the land of baby!


At 11:05 AM, Blogger MrsEvilGenius said...

Lol, I always get a bit impatient with the ladies who moan and whine about the glucose drink! It tastes like Orange Crush to me.

Odd that they didn't give you your results right then ...

-Blue (the Thrifty Mom blog)

At 2:41 PM, Blogger Rosanne said...


Glad to hear everything went OK at the doc. You're like my husband. He loves all things orange. I think its funny that now your doc is concerned you aren't gaining enough. Wasn't he worried before that you were gaining too much. Yeah for keeping 'em guessing. :)


At 7:00 AM, Blogger Christine said...

So glad that all is well!!!

Hey, I liked the glucose drink, too. Mine was fruit punch. I liked it, but I ended up with one of those stomach aches afterward, like when you ate too much sugar as a kid.

What does your doctor know about the weight gain, huh? Pea is going to have her growth spurts in her own time, and your doc is just going to have to deal with that! I love Pea's sense of humor!! She's her mother's daughter!!!


At 6:14 PM, Blogger Carrie said...

Oh man, I want to do my glucose test where you went!! Ours has glucola, which is like Coke on crack...yuck!!!!! I LOVE orange soda though! I'm sure you'll pass no problem. Glad to hear your doctor didn't give you a hard time this time about weight gain...of course, he had no reason to, but still. So cute about Pea trying to escape the doppler! I swear they all do must sound funny to them.

At 10:23 AM, Blogger Jackie said...

Glad that all is well in baby land! Pea sounds like quite a little character.

Glad you liked the glucose drink (it sounds ick to me!) - I'm sure you'll pass!



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