Monday, February 07, 2005

Are We There Yet?

Don't get me wrong - I'm not tired of being pregnant at all. I haven't had even close to half of the problems and symptoms that many women have, so I can't complain. I'm not feeling too tired or achy or anything. I guess I'm just ready for SOMETHING to happen. Maybe I'm tired of talking, talking, talking and just want to get the baby show on the road. Maybe I'm just tired of all the planning, and feeling like I haven't really done anything yet. Maybe it's just the gloomy weather and my frustrating morning at work talking. I guess I'm just a little down today.

I had my 30 week (plus 3 day) appointment on Friday. I gained a pound, blood pressure was normal, fundal height was 31 cm. The glucose test came back fine and my iron was bad again - still anemic. No surprise there. We're bumping my extra iron to every day now, but because of the Thalassemia, that may or may not help. But I should be fine.

My cold is still lingering a bit. The doctor said to give it a little more time and if it doesn't go away, we'll try antibiotics. I'm ok with waiting. And it does seem to be getting better. But since I can't breathe well (and probably because of the added weight), I am snoring very loudly at night and according to John, making lots of weird noises. He had to abandon our bed every night while he was home over the weekend and sleep in one of the spare bedrooms. I feel bad, but I can't help it and he's a very light sleeper. I know it's bad because I'm even waking myself up at times! I hope this goes away when the cold does.

This weekend was pretty good. I managed to get over to BRU on Saturday morning and pay for the balance on my furniture before the delivery company got there (tried to do it on the phone during the week - what a mess up!). It actually benefitted me by waiting and doing it in person, because on Friday in the mail I got a whole mailout with tons of BRU coupons. And on Saturday, they let me apply the furniture ones, even though I had already ordered it and paid 20%. So I got $75 off, which was a nice bonus. I also went ahead and bought the mattress and was able to leave it in the store for the delivery company to get.

So the furniture showed up at our house on Saturday afternoon. Right away, the cost was justified in getting a delivery. Had we picked it up ourselves, we would have brought the boxes upstairs and unpacked them. But the company unpacked the furniture in the driveway to inspect it. Sure enough, the first piece out - the changing table - had a corner completely bashed in. It was pretty damaged for a brand new piece of furniture that was boxed up so carefully. So the company just packed it up again, took it back to BRU, ordered me another, and will deliver it when it's in - no extra cost. But it saved us so much hassle rather than dealing with it on our own.

So we're short a changing table, but we did get the crib, armoire and mattress. And on Saturday night, John and I put the crib together. It wasn't too bad at all. Everything looks much bigger in the room than it did in the store. I wasn't expecting that. But it will all fit, so no worries. I'm very happy with the look of the furniture too. You can tell it's not top quality, but it's nice.

On Sunday, John went to his parents and got official word from his mother that she's not coming to my shower. She even gave him the gift his sister had left for the shower, so I know it's a definite. This still upsets me - I don't think I ever ended up blogging about it. I had already heard from his sister that MIL wasn't coming, but it still upset me. The main reason is because she doesn't know anyone who will be there (besides me and my mom) and she doesn't want to be uncomfortable. I think that should not really be an excuse and she could be there to support us. But I'm sure some of it is also due to her superstition. Oh well. In the end it is her loss. I just wish his parents could show some enthusiasm in seeing their first grandchild being born instead of just "waiting to make sure everything turns out ok first". It obviously upsets me.

John asked me to make an excuse for his mom when people ask and not tell them the real reason she isn't coming. Of course I had already told my close friends the real reasons before this, so they already know. I told him if he wants me to give a different excuse, then he needs to come up with it. I don't feel like covering for her. If the real reason isn't good enough, then maybe everyone (John and MIL) should take a step back and think about it why it's not a good excuse in the first place.

Oh well. I'm better about this than I sound. I guess it's just the weather. I just splashed salad dressing on my shirt (again), so I better go clean it up! So clumsy :)


At 7:13 PM, Blogger Christine said...

I'm sorry that your MIL isn't coming to your shower. But there's no changing some people. They just can't see things any way other than their way. I know how you feel, my friend.

I'm excited about you getting your furniture!! I can't wait to see the pictures of the finished nursery!! Did they say how long you'd have to wait for the new changing table??


At 5:36 AM, Blogger Christine said...

BTW, I forgot to mention that we are dealing with the snoring thing, too. Dh wears earplugs at night, or sleeps in the other room. I feel terrible, but there isn't much that I can do!! Paul says it's Charm snoring, not me...

At 10:21 AM, Blogger Jackie said...

Don't worry, you'll be getting on with the having of the baby before you know it! I hope you post a picture of the furniture in Pea's room.

I'm sorry about your MIL, at least your own mom will be there and nothing beats that. (((HUGS)))


At 7:27 PM, Blogger Rosanne said...


So sorry your MIL can't get over her superstitions and be there to support you and Pea. Some people can't seem to understand what's really important. She'll come to regret what's she's missed. I agree completely that if her real reason isn't good enough or if she's embarassed by it, maybe she better think again. Sigh. Hopefully she comes around before the shower. If not, I'm sure she'll see the light once Pea makes her appearance. Until then, we'll commiserate with you. ((hugs))


At 5:25 PM, Blogger Carrie said...

Sorry that your changing table arrived damaged, but at least it was handled well! much extra did that cost to have them deliver like that? Sounds like it's worth it!

Again, I am sorry about your MIL, but try not to let her get you down. Think of all the other people who will be there to support you!


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