Tuesday, January 18, 2005

What Am I Feeling Anyway?

This is probably going to be a strange post. Probably because I don't really have much to say, but I feel like I should be saying something throughout this journey. How is it possible that I'm just not feeling anything right now?

Let's see what's going on first: Pea is kicking pretty consistently. She kicks the most in the mornings while I'm sitting at work and in the evening when I'm watching TV. Some days I feel her about a dozen different times, some days I may only feel her once or twice. Those days I worry a little bit, but then she gives me a nice swift kick and I'm ok again. She never wakes me up in the middle of the night or anything like that - but I'm sure that will come soon (or at least when she is born!).

I've continued to play her music each night for about 5-10 minutes. I have a Mozart CD and I just rotate it. She ends up hearing the entire CD in a week. Some nights she kicks and some nights she doesn't seem to want to be bothered by it.

The nursery hasn't made too much progress. We did test out paint samples and decide on a color and we are now waiting to see if we can get the guy to come in who painted our bedroom. If not, I'll just paint it myself. The room isn't that big and I've painted before. We ended up going with one of the light purple colors. It looks the best on the wall. The yellows just were not working at all!

I made it through a weekend without making any purchases for Pea except for two Dr. Seuss books at Target because they were 2 for $10. I loved Dr. Seuss and I want her to have a collection of his books too. We'll save those for when she's a little older though!

Ok, so that's it. Not too much to report. So now onto the feelings:

Has this really hit me yet at 28 weeks? I'm not sure. Some days yes, some days no.

Am I excited about her coming? Definitely!

Am I ready to no longer be pregnant? No - I've had a relatively easy pregnancy journey with very little to complain about. I want her to be here, but I'm not dying of misery or anything. Getting a little more uncomfortable, but not too much. Noticing that I walk a little slower and need a little more support to get out of the bathtub.

Am I totally distracted every day by baby stuff? Absolutely.

Can I even begin to imagine how different my life will be in 3 months? I don't think so. All I know is that it will be better than I could ever guess (so everyone tells me and so I truly believe).

Am I scared? Mostly just about labor and giving birth. I'd personally rather skip that part.

Am I ready for it all to start right now? Nope - I don't think so. There's a lot to prepare and I just feel like there's still so much to know. So many "do"s and "don't"s. I'm sure I will never feel totally prepared, but maybe if I had a crib and a car seat or something I'd feel a little better.

As I predicted, this post is very random. I guess I'm just trying to document my confusion and my unknown emotions since I'm pasting all of my blogs into my journal to read back on later. I just thought at 28 weeks I'd have so much more to say. I guess it's not a bad thing that I don't - just unexpected.

But no news is good news. And so far we are just fine.


At 4:21 PM, Blogger Kether said...

28 weeks! Time is flying!
I wonder if anyone is ever prepared?

At 6:25 PM, Blogger Rosanne said...


Sounds like you're as prepared as anyone can be when going through such a life changing experience. Enjoy these last few weeks. Only 12 to go!


At 7:43 AM, Blogger Jackie said...

I love Dr. Seuss too! Your pregnancy is sounding as wonderful as I imagine it should be. Enjoy every moment of it!



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