Thursday, February 17, 2005

Lost: Petite Feet; Found: Elephant Ankles

Last night the strangest thing happened. After everyone left my house after Bunko, I went upstairs to get ready for bed. My feet had felt a little tight all day, but that had been happening for about a week, so I didn't even think about it. Well, when I took off my knee-high's, I was greeted with someone else's huge, swollen feet and ankles! I lost my little feet! My feet are like one of my favorite features (yes, I'm weird) because they are small and petite. But all of a sudden, I have no ankles at all and they are all swollen. I don't even recognize them. It is the strangest thing! It kind of bummed me out. I knew swelling would probably happen along the way, but it was still hard to see.

I hoped after a night's rest that the morning would bring back my little ones, but no. Still swollen and big, just like last night. I'm not sure how my shoes are going to fit. I guess I'll be wearing slides and sandals for the next 8 weeks. This morning my ring even felt a little snug, so I think my hands are next. Needless to say, I am gulping down water this morning in an effort to curb this unwanted progress!


This past weekend John and I went to our all-day Child Birth class. Ummm, it was kind of a bit of a waste for us I think. There was some good information, but not too much more than I had already read and heard about. And I strongly feel like they'll coach us pretty good when the time labor and delivery comes along. In a way I'm glad we went just to kind of mentally prepare us. But I could have used just an hour or two instead of all day (it actually let out 2 hours early - thank goodness!). We couldn't take it at our actual hospital branch because they didn't offer an all day Saturday class, so we skipped the tour. We'll be touring our branch in a couple of weeks. I think that will be worthwhile.

John's biggest problem with the class was the women in the videos. He didn't understand why they all had to be so darn unattractive! It's bad enough watching a naked lady groaning in the shower on top of a birthing ball, but when she looks like she's straight from the 80's and has no business AT ALL being naked, it's really bad. They all ended up topless at the end of the birth too - which I thought was very strange. I will definitely be keeping my top on if I can help it! John was pretty squeamish during the actual births. I hope he doesn't pass out during mine. He already told me he won't be standing on THAT end of the bed!


We did a little bit of work in Pea's room this weekend. The changing table came in (undamaged this time) and then we hung up one of the window valance's. I'm actually surprised it got finished and John's drill didn't go flying through the window. He doesn't have very good tools and I think I had him hang it too close to the window and it was almost impossible to drill through. My mother's husband is going to come and do the other one. I'll get him to do some of the wall hangings too to save John the trouble! Once we get the other valance up and get the tools off the floor of the room, I will take a picture!


At 11:43 AM, Blogger Jackie said...

From everything I've heard - welcome to the last stage of pregnancy. The stage where your ankles and legs become one and you have to remove your rings! I can't wait!

I'm sorry the birthing class was a bit of a bust. I've been wondering whether we're going to do one of those and so far haven't heard anyone with great reviews.

We need more pics of Pea's room before she is in it (which isn't too far away now)!


At 5:21 PM, Blogger Carrie said...

So when do we get to see this nursery??? Hint hint!! ;)

Sorry to hear about the loss of your petite feet! I'm actually really afraid of that side effect. I already have size 10 feet...I won't be able to find shoes if they get any bigger!!

We already discussed the birthing class, but I'm glad you were frank about it. I wasn't looking forward to it anyway, and you helped me make my decision. :)

At 10:02 PM, Blogger ~Tanya~ said...

Yeah, we want to see pictures! hehehe. Vacation ones too!

Keep those feet up as much as possible, won't be long now & pea will be home!


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