Tuesday, March 15, 2005

No Progress Just Yet...

I just got back from my first internal check appointment. I know I'm only 36 weeks and what you find out doesn't really mean anything in many cases, but I was hoping for more. As of now, I'm not dilated at all, I'm barely effaced and the baby's head is not even close to being engaged. Ok, there's still quite a bit of time so I can't be too concerned. I guess I was just hoping for more of a signal to know when she might be here. I'm getting anxious!

And I'm getting more pain. Life is definitely a lot more uncomfortable at 36 weeks. There's just a lot of pressure "down there" and frequent general pain all around. My feet often hurt and swell if I'm too active, but everyone says to stay active. It's a hard balance. And I almost always feel like I need to go to the bathroom. Oh, and my under-the-belly pants dig into me and hurt too much to wear - especially the jeans.

Ok, that's all the complaining I'll allow myself to do. I'm still so incredibly lucky and all the rest of these things are just small scarifices I have to make to get to the ultimate goal of having a baby. I can handle it for 4-5 more weeks. No problem!

But everything else is still fine. The baby is pretty active lately and her heartbeat was 168 bpm. My belly grew another 3 cm in just a week - that's kind of scary. I guess she might end up being closer to 8 pounds in the end since she was already about 5 1/2 last week. I also gained another 3 pounds in just the past week - yikes! That puts me up to 30 pounds gained. I blame work for those last 3 pounds though - I'm still eating leftover cake from my surprise shower. LOL!


At 11:05 AM, Blogger Jackie said...

Lauren - 30 pounds sounds like the perfect amount to gain for where you're at. Sounds like Pea may be going through a last little growth spurt!

Wow, it does sound uncomfortable at 36 weeks. And I thought I was starting to be uncomfortable now, it's good to know what's in store. Hang in there, you're almost there!


At 6:08 PM, Blogger Rosanne said...


Love the comment that you're *only* 36 weeks. Only? So glad to hear you and Pea are doing well, even if she isn't cooperating and dropping for you.


At 6:05 PM, Blogger Carrie said...

I think 30 lbs is about right for you, too. You probably won't gain much more (if at all) at this point since you're stomach keeps getting smaller and smaller. How exciting that Pea could be here at any time now!

At 10:01 AM, Blogger Kether said...

36 weeks now, eh? FULL TERM. YAY!
Any day now...

I can't wait to hear about Pea!

At 10:02 AM, Blogger Kether said...

I meant 37... You were 36 last week and this week you're full term. I'm rambling.

baby brain.


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