Tuesday, March 22, 2005

37 Weeks - Full Term, Baby!

Today marks the 37 week point. I am officially labeled full term, and if Pea decides to come tomorrow, she's coming tomorrow! Crazy to think about - but very exciting too.

I had another internal exam this morning. Pea is still very high and not dropping at all, but I am encouraged that my cervix is very soft and I am 1 cm dilated. So at least there is some progress this week. It still will probably be awhile, but at least we're headed in the right direction. The Strep B test was negative, so no worries about that.

I decided that instead of complaining today (which I could easily do), I would list some things that I will miss when I'm no longer pregnant.

- Almost every week, my neighbor pulls in our trash can on trash day because she feels sorry for me having to do it and knows John is out of town.
- Strangers in general are more friendly, chat with you more, hold doors open more often.
- I don't have to tuck in any shirts or worry about my normally poochy belly.
- I can wear the same clothes over and over again and no one cares - everyone knows I can barely fit into anything anymore.
- When I'm trying to hurry my co-workers to lunch, I can always blame the baby and say she's hungry.
- I can bring the baby to work and feel her all day in my tummy. And I always have two hands free by not having to carry her yet!
- I don't feel guilty about what I eat.

I'm sure I could think of more, but those are some of the perks off the top of my head. So it's not all completely bad. Of course having my baby in my arms will outweigh everything, but for now, I'll focus on the good things about being pregnant.


At 1:40 PM, Blogger Kether said...

OMG I'm so excited for you. ANY DAY!

You made me miss those parts of pregnancy! Its true you do "forget" about the awful parts and miss those parts you talked about.

At 3:48 PM, Blogger Carrie said...

:D :D :D :D :D Any day now, any moment!! You may think it's going slowly, but it can certainly change fast! I'm ready for your call, day or night! (Well, I might be sleeping if it's too late at night... but I have voicemail at least, so don't hesitate to call!)

At 5:50 PM, Blogger Rosanne said...

I *love* this post. All the things that you'll miss are so sweet. Maybe you can limp around after Pea arrives so your neighbor still pulls in the trash cans.

At 10:16 AM, Blogger Jackie said...

Oh that's a great list! Hmmm... maybe your neighbour will still wheel out the trash for you after the baby comes too - you will have your hands full!


At 10:19 AM, Blogger Jackie said...

Hmm, blogger just ate my post, so this might appear twice.

I'm thinking your neighbour might still be on garbage duty for you since you will certainly have your hands full after Pea is born.

We get to find out Pea's new name soon!



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