Tuesday, October 05, 2004

Second Tri on the 4th Try

Today I have reached 13 weeks, the second trimester by most people’s accounts. It’s a little bit anticlimactic – I’m not sure what I thought I’d feel, but I guess I thought I’d feel something. Relief maybe? I still feel good; don’t get me wrong. I guess I just feel nothing. It probably has to do with work. I’m in the San Diego office and have been pretty busy and haven’t had much time to think about it too much. That’s probably good.

It’s been weird now that we’re actually spreading the news to some friends and family. As I have informed my mother, we are still “selective telling” – it’s not time to announce it to all the women at her nail salon and such. I still just want to go easy. But for those that do know now, it feels a little strange. It’s a lot harder to actually say the words than I thought it would be. I’ve also been strategically planning on telling a few people, knowing that they are good gossips and will probably spread the word without me having to be around. I’m finding it easier if I actually don’t have to say anything. I’m letting others do the dirty work.

I do have a funny story from Friday night. John and I were going to dinner with two of my very good guy friends, S & R. It was S’s birthday, so the four of us were just gathering to for a few drinks (in my case water) and dinner. I told John on the way there that I would probably tell S & R my news since they are very good friends of mine – they even know about my miscarriages. John was a little weary about starting to tell people I guess, and he asked me how I would bring it up. I said I wasn’t sure and we’d just see how the evening went.

So we eat dinner and have some drinks and we’re chatting away. Then my friend R was talking about someone looking pregnant and he goes “speaking of being pregnant, L [his wife] is due April 15th”. I was really surprised by this but immediately blurted, “I’m due April 12th”. It was pretty funny and everyone was happy. I called his wife L, and she was so happy for me. She was worried about how to tell me about herself – she knew everything I had gone through and knew it would be hard on me. But instead, now we can be due date buddies and go through this together. This is her first too.

Well, less than 2 days before my vacation starts. I’m ready to get back home so I can start packing and figuring out what I need to bring. So much to do and so little time! I can’t even begin to figure out the clothes thing. I think I’m just about to have to retire all of my regular pants and turn solely to maternity pants. I guess I’ll just bring a little of both for my trip – who knows. I can definitely wear the maternity pants now. I packed a pair to wear tomorrow and I’m a little nervous about it. :)

I apologize to my FF friends and to my fellow blogger friends for not being around much. I have been trying to keep up, but work is getting in the way again. And then I’ll be gone for a couple of weeks with pretty much no internet access. So don’t forget about me, I’ll be back soon – and hopefully will be very refreshed as well!


At 9:06 AM, Blogger Jackie said...

That's such a cool story! It must be fate that you have a real life due date buddy!

Have a fantastic vacation Lauren - we're missing you.


At 11:11 AM, Blogger Christine said...

YAY!! For the second trimester!! And I'm so glad that you have a friend due at the same time!

I hope that you have a wonderful vacation. You've earned it with how hard you've been working lately!! Don't worry about us, we'll be here when you get back!!


At 11:35 AM, Blogger Amanda said...

yay!!! second trimester!!! within a few weeks you should def. start feeling pg!! I am so excited for you.

At 2:42 PM, Blogger Carrie said...

Congrats on the 2nd trimester! And that's so cool that you have a friend to share your pregnancy with!

Enjoy your vacation!


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