Wednesday, September 15, 2004

Graduation Day

I did it. I made it sucessfully to 10 weeks and I graduated from the RE and officially go back to my old doctor. There's nothing magic about 10 weeks - only that I haven't made it that far before and it's considered a good point to be at when worried about miscarrying. I know it's not a guarantee that everything will be perfect from here on out, but right now - who cares! I'm just so happy to finally be where I am!

We'll never know what the difference was this time. Maybe it was the mega doses of Folic Acid I'm on for my MTHFR gene mutation. Maybe it's the Juice Plus that my husband got me taking after he talked to a woman on a plane who told him her friend took it after 8 miscarriages and had a successful pregnancy after that. Maybe it's just luck - I got a good egg this time, and not a bad one (picturing Veruca Salt falling down the "bad egg" shute right now). Who knows. But I do know that I feel very lucky, very happy and very thankful. I'm still not exactly sure why I had to go through all of that other crap to get here, but regardless, I'm thankful.

The appointment was great. We did an abdominal ultrasound this time, which I had never had before. Little Pea was moving all around, kicking its legs, waving its arms. It was an active little bean! The heart rate was 171 bpm and baby measured at 10 weeks, 4 days. In just a week Pea grew something like 1.3 centimeters! So exciting! Of course the tears streamed down my face as the tech pointed out the little kicks and the measurements. I can't remember being happier. I wish John could have been there to see it. Last time he was able to go to an ultrasound with me, the baby was 6 weeks and just a little blob with a heart beat.

After the ultrasound, I met with Dr. B. I don't know who was more excited - me or him. He kept telling me how happy he was and how he was so glad I made it to this point. And right away he asked "You're going to fire me today, right?" It was so neat. I cried again - I couldn't help it. He checked me out and made sure everything was ok one last time and again told me how happy he was. He told me I was ready to go back to Dr. L and that if anything were to happen, to let Dr. L know that I belong to Dr. B. I got my final report to bring to Dr. L and strolled out of the office without having to make another appointment at the front desk. It's official - I have moved on. Bye bye, Dr. B!

So tomorrow I'll call Dr. L's office and make my next appointment. Now I can try to focus on all of the other worries that come with having a baby and try not to think about miscarrying any longer. To all the pesimists out there (I am one too, after all), I know I still have a chance of miscarrying. But for once, I'm not acknowledging that fact. Why should I? I'm totally wrapped into this now. Nothing could make me hurt less if anything happens - so why not just be happy. I'm glad I can finally tell myself to just be happy.

It's bittersweet today because I'm about to go to my Bunco group and I would love nothing more than to tell them all my good news. But I still would rather wait. It's just not time yet. I have plenty of friends and family that already know about my pregnancy that can be happy for me right now. I still want to be patient about announcing this to the world. But it will happen. I'm less than 3 weeks away from the second trimester!

Once again, thank you everyone for your never-ending support and love. I know I always say this, but I really could not of gotten here without you. So this piece of good news is something that I hope you will all celebrate - not just for me, but for you. You helped me get here. Six months ago I was ready to give up and wasn't sure I could ever deal with a pregnancy again. And here I am. Maybe it's not folic acid, Juice Plus or luck. Maybe it's love and friendship and support. Why did this have to happen? Well if it didn't, I never would have met any of you. And my life is now better for knowing each and every one of you.

Ok, can you tell I'm emotional? Gotta get my game face on now. It's Bunco time!


At 8:31 AM, Blogger Christine said...

OMG, I'm completely crying reading this post! And I'm doing the happy-dance at my desk! (I know, not a pretty site!!) I'm so happy for you!

Just think....

At 8:35 AM, Blogger Christine said...

Ok, Blogger stole my comment before I finshed it!

Just think...
>less than three weeks until the second trimester AND you should start feeling much better!
>just a few weeks from feeling your baby move
>just a couple of months from your BIG ultrasound

You are 25% of the way there!

*Happy Dance - Happy Dance*

At 1:51 PM, Blogger Carrie said...

Congrats, Lauren! Baby steps to the baby!! I'm so glad you got to see your active little one today and that you're graduating to your regular OB. Best wishes!!

(And I agree with Mia...what is this magic juice???)

At 2:52 PM, Blogger Kether said...

YAY! 10 weeks!! So exciting. I was so happy to see an update. Christine's comment was great...think of all the things you have to look forward to. A word of caution (which is hard to live by) DO NOT LET FEAR ROB YOU OF YOUR JOY! Just repeat that over and over as much as you can.
So, so happy for you and your "Graduation day"

At 11:49 AM, Blogger Amanda said...

yay!! am so excited for you. It is so amazing to see your baby with the u/s. They grow so fast! sending hugs!!


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