Thursday, September 02, 2004

Another Milestone Met

Huge sigh of relief after the appointment this week! I wasn't completely nervous about it, but of course I had my doubts. But it turned into a very encouraging visit - the best one yet.

My little Chickpea grew like a weed this last week! Baby T. measured at 8 weeks 3 days - 2 days ahead of schedule. And the heart rate was wonderful too - 180 bpm. I was so happy that I cried. I mostly cried because my last angel measured 8 weeks 1 day on that terrible Sunday in March when we learned she was no longer with us. I felt a big wave of relief to know that my baby had now progressed farther than that point. It's so encouraging to know that you've made it past another milestone. It makes this pregnancy more real each day.

Dr. B. also gave me some very encouraging words. He feels strongly that the baby is "out of the woods" as far as an early chromosome problem like last time. He said that with the growth it has shown and with the great increase in the heart rate, that this little one is going to make it. He was very positive and was very pleased with where I am. Of course he then suggested that I just come back in at 10 weeks, but again I put my foot down and said I'd feel much better if I came in at 9 weeks. He didn't put up a fight - he just said if that would make me more comfortable, then that is what we would do.

I was also happy because this was the first appointment where he actually mentioned due dates and OB's. Of course I know my due date from FF and websites, but it was the first time he actually pointed it out to me - April 12th. And he also made sure that I did have a regular OB to go to when we were done. And for the first time he asked me if I felt pregnant. Of course my answer was "sort of". I definitely have some clear symptoms, but not too many. So I felt like those were his ways of saying "this is really going to happen!".

So that was all great news and I celebrated later that night by treating myself to a cheeseburger and fries. That was about the best cheeseburger I've ever had! I followed all that up with a pluot (cross between a plum and an apricot) and with a few pickles, and then I felt very ill and went to bed. No puking or anything, but I definitely regretted that meal.

Anyway, I think I'm finally starting to cross over and believe that I am actually going to have a baby. I'm still not rushing out to the maternity stores and I'm still not ready to buy baby stuff, but I'm getting there. I will definitely still be anxious for my 9 week appointment and to see my little bean wiggling about again. That was the coolest thing. I actually saw little arm buds wiggling around and moving about. And there appear to be two arm buds and two leg buds, so that's good news. And only one head. All good.

So this weekend, I think I will drag out my pregnancy books that I've stashed in the spare closet and start reading up on my week-by-week progress again. I might even pull the knitting needles back out and start a baby blanket. Small steps. My head is actually starting to wrap around this and I'm beginning to think this may actually happen for us!


At 10:38 AM, Blogger Kether said...

Yay! I'm so glad you had a good appointment. Ease into pregnancy one day at a time...actually its more like one minute at a time. Its quite a shock once you get used to it (like Christine's I'm going to have a baby post).

At 3:39 PM, Blogger Carrie said...

Congrats on more great news! Little by little, it will get easier. I'm glad to hear your doctor is thinking so positively, as well. It really helps when your caregiver is your cheerleader, too. Best of luck at your next appointment!

At 11:58 AM, Blogger Jackie said...

Yay Lauren!!! Hurray for your passing another milestone!



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