Friday, October 01, 2004

It's official - Pea is on the way!

I'm happy to report that everything went well with my 12 week appointment (really 12w1d) on Wednesday. Chickpea is doing just fine and measured 13 weeks already! I was so exciting to see Pea going so fast and strong. I couldn't be happier. John hadn't seen Pea since 6 weeks, so I was excited for him to see the difference. He couldn't believe how much the baby was moving around. It really surprised him.

The first question Dr. L asked was "so what did Dr. B do differently?" I told him about the gene mutation and the folic acid and explained that Dr. B didn't necessarily think that was it, but that we gave it a shot. Dr. L didn't really have an opinion. He was just happy that things were going well. Infertility is obviously not where his expertise lies, but that's ok. All he needs to do now is deliver my healthy baby :)

So we once again started the talks about the different tests and what we might want to do. There's no time for the nuchal test since I will be going out of town starting on Monday. I could have tried to squeeze in yesterday or today, but I just couldn't with my work schedule and such. So I might do the blood testing at 16 weeks. We haven't decided yet. Dr. L did say that if I wasn't willing to get an amnio if the results were bad, then maybe shouldn't do the testing. So now I'm not sure what to do. John and I have a lot of talking to do on our vacation. It's a tough decision to make, especially with the amount of false positives. I won't get into anymore of it here, because I'm sure people have different opinions and advice. But it's a choice we need to make ourselves.

After the appointment, I called my mom and officially gave her the "all clear" to tell her sister (the one who has two son's with pregnant wives right now). I told her that we're not telling EVERYONE just now, but that we will selectively be telling people. After 13 weeks and the official jump to the second trimester, I will let her tell anyone. Although I find it hard to believe she hasn't posted it in the Chronicle yet.

As for me, I only told one additional friend so far. It's just weird to be at a point where I consider it ok to start telling people. My boss knows already (I told him early because of all the doctor's appointments), but when I go to San Diego on Monday, I will officially tell his boss (who suspects it anyway and has told my boss he thinks I'm pregnant) and one of my employees going with us. So then pretty much the gossip will float through the office and I'll be out for 3 weeks and won't have to deal with it until I come back. I think it's a good plan :)

Speaking of being out, I start my vacation next week. First I go to San Diego for work on Monday and get back Wednesday. Then on Thursday, I leave for my fun trip. We're going to New Jersey (family reunion), New York, England and Paris. I'm soooo looking forward to it. But I won't be around much, so I wanted my lovely online friends to know where I'll be.

So at this point, it has become all very real to me. This is going to happen. Pea will be here in April. I'm excited - I'm ready - I'm thankful!


At 8:44 AM, Blogger Carrie said...

Congrats, Lauren! Sounds like baby is doing very well!
I'm really interested in your travel plans...London and Paris! Woohoo! Have a great trip!

At 11:06 AM, Blogger Amanda said...

Lauren- San Diego California?? That is like 3 hours away from me!

I hope you have a wonderful vacation!! sounds like so much fun

and yay on seeing Pea!! I love the U/S!! and glad DH got to see pea as well, it is amazing to see them move around on the screen ((hugs)) I am so happy for you!

At 2:23 PM, Blogger Kether said...

Chickpea is goin' around the world! Well. part way.
San Diego is also three hours from me. Amanda and I must be close to eachother. You'll like San Diego if you haven't been there. I love it.
Have wonderful trips. Enjoy. So glad to hear that chickpea is doing well and growing, growing, growing!

At 11:54 AM, Blogger Jackie said...

Yay Lauren! That's great and you sound so happy and at peace. You're going to have a great vacation!


At 10:10 AM, Blogger Christine said...

Yay for Pea!!! I'm so glad that all is going well!



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