Monday, August 09, 2004

Triples and Fortune Cookies

Today was my second "results" day. This time I didn't set myself a computer reminder. I had all weekend to dwell on it and remember to call the doctor's office on Monday. I felt good because of my results from Wednesday's blood work, but you still can't help but be nervous, knowing that it is possible to lose a little one this early. I was tempted to POAS, but I held back. On a funny note, John asked me on Saturday if I was going to "Pee on a Stick" to make sure I was still pregnant. This was funny for one, because he seemed to read my mind, and two, because he actually used the correct fertility lingo! I couldn't help but laugh.

Anyway, back to the results. I again called the office at 10:00, but this time got voicemail. I debated hanging up and calling back, but decided that it's an RE's office - they'll get back to me soon. An hour later I was in panic mode trying to determine what the right amount of time was to wait before calling again. I decided that if it was bad news, they would call right away because I'd have to come in for another beta (right?). But I was still anxious. I sent off a frantic email to my best friend asking about the correct "call back"etiquette, but as soon as I clicked "Send" the phone rang and it was the doctor's office.

No small talk or scrutinizing charts this time, just the results - hcg was 906. 906! Holy crap! That didn't double, that more than tripled! I was a bit stunned and expressed that to the nurse, but she said it was in the right range and it was a good number. I mentioned how it was so much higher than my hcg 2 days early, and she just said that they like to see it go up 60-100%, so this was right on. Ok, maybe she didn't do the math as fast as I did in my head and wasn't too impressed, but I was! I was just so happy and so relieved!

The great results were followed by a frustrating saga of trying to get my first ultrasound scheduled. I do know one thing after over a year and a half of this - the receptionist of the main office cannot get you an appointment in the very near future! I don't know why the nurses always insist on you calling the main number to get an appointment, because you can never get one for the time they want you to see the doctor. You always end up having to be transferred back to your doctor's nurse since they are the only ones who can squeeze you in or override his schedule. I've experienced that in both my OB/GYN's office and now with my RE. I just don't get it! But the good news is that my ultrasound and appointment is for Wednesday, the 18th. Just 9 short days away. I'm sure the attitude about "9 short days" will change very quickly.

So my friend Christine recently posted something in her blog about getting a sign about her pregnancy (hers from a Dove chocolate wrapper) and I just had to add my own. I do believe in signs and I continually look for them myself. I tried not to read too much into this one at the time, but now I can't help it.

A week and a half ago, before I even had a clue that I was pregnant, I was on a business trip to San Diego and was having dinner with a co-worker. We know each other well enough at work, but didn't really know much about each other outside of work. So we spent the whole dinner chatting and talking about everything - family, interests, etc. We talked about his kids and I talked about my struggles to have one. He was pretty sympathetic and added that his wife had had a miscarriage between their children. This is not an exaggeration, but just as we had finished talking about my miscarriages, the fortune cookies came. I opened mine and read:

When the flowers bloom, so will great joy in your life.

My co-worker immediately shouted "Keep that fortune! Do not lose it, hold on to it!". I tried to say "yeah, but that would mean I need to get pregnant right now..." and he just cut me off and said, "Don't read too much into it. Just keep it." On Monday morning when I was back at work, I taped the fortune to my computer monitor (even though my temperature was so icky that day). On Wednesday, I found out I was pregnant with an April baby.

I've always wanted a Spring baby. Honestly, I'd take a baby any time of the year, but a Spring one sounds wonderful to me. So does great joy in my life!


At 5:34 AM, Blogger Christine said...

Ooooh, Lauren!! What a wonderful sign!! I love that one!!! You should frame that fortune, or put it in a collage in baby's room. Oh, I love it!!

At 11:11 AM, Blogger Jackie said...

That's so nice I have tears in my eyes! I feel like I'm living this through you or something! I can't wait to hear about the ultrasound.



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