Thursday, July 08, 2004

Shifting Focus

Last cycle obviously hurt me bad. I thought I was ready to jump in there and TTC again, but it was definitely harder than I remembered. That wasn't too fun at all. And I obsessed way too much - which is hard to stop. I will be TTC again this cycle, but in the mean time, I'm going to try to shift my focus onto some other things in my life.

So for now, I have come up with a list of very simple goals that I need to complete by the end of next week. They have absolutely nothing to do with TTC and won't make me stop TTC, but they are designed to make me think about other things, especially when I'm home at night. I've dedicated so much of my life to TTC right now and I just need to shift some attention to some other things.

So here are my goals this week. Like I said, nothing fancy. Just simple things to make me concentrate on something else.
1. Work on my website and post my Yosemite pictures so my friends can see that I actually did go there.
2. Complete at least one scrapbook page. I love to scrapbook but have set it aside for months because I'm lazy and it takes a lot of time.
3. Finish organizing all the crap I moved from my bedroom to the floor of my craft room when we painted the bedroom.
4. Lose 1 pound. I always say I'm going to lose these 10 pounds that I hate, so now it's time to do it. I'll gladly give up this goal later if I become pregnant, but for now, I'll actually try. But this one can't start until after we have DH's birthday cake.

See, pretty simple stuff. Things I can definitely accomplish in a week. I think I'll feel better about myself if I can acheive some simple goals that have nothing to do with TTC. I need to get out of this funk, and now!


At 10:27 AM, Blogger Jackie said...

Good for you Lauren! I hope DH has a great birthday!

At 10:28 AM, Blogger Jackie said...

Hmmm... my post didn't seem to go through the first time...but here it is again:

Good for you Lauren! I hope that DH has a great birthday!

At 12:32 PM, Blogger Jackie said...

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