Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Signs Revisited

Many months ago, I blogged about opening a fortune cookie right before I found out I was pregnant. Inside the cookie was the following fortune:

When the flowers bloom, so will great joy in your life.

Four days after opening that cookie, I found out I was pregnant with Pea and due in the spring. I knew it was a sign. I believe in signs. I'm not totally superstitious or anything, but I definitely felt it was a sign that everything would be ok. It didn't ease my fears or anything, but I saved it for Pea's scrapbook and always remember it.

Yesterday I had another sign. When I was at the doctor's office, he scheduled my induction date and then looked at the calendar and noticed it would be on the 13th. He immediately asked if the 13th was ok with me and if I was superstitious. I really don't care about her being born on the 13th too much (although I didn't want her to be born on a prime number or an odd number - a weird thing about me I can deal with that I just couldn't mention!), so I said it was ok.

When I called John on the way home from the doctor, I mentioned the 13 thing. At first he didn't catch on, but then he started to get weird about it and was wondering if we should change it. But no way was I changing it at that point. It's not like she would actually be born on Friday the 13th. And who knows - we could last until the 14th (although I hope not for my sake). Anyway, we just let it be and decided to go forward with the plans.

Well at lunch time, I went with a couple of friends and we decided to buy lottery tickets afterwards. I felt I needed to anyway because it had been my lucky week so far (winning a raffle for a trip to Steamboat and getting Pea's date scheduled), so I wanted to buy some too. Plus one of the Lotto drawings is on the 13th and I figured I should buy one for that day. I went ahead and also bought a few scratch-off tickets just for fun.

The first scratch-off ticket I scratched was a $1 ticket. I read the instructions and it had one lucky number you scratch and then four other numbers that you try to match to it. So I scratched the lucky number first, and lo and behold - it was 13! I said to my co-worker that I was surely going to win. And guess what? 3 of the 4 other numbers to match were 13's. I won $10 on the ticket! I don't think I'll ever cash it though. I think it's going in the baby book. After that silly scratch-off, I am totally confident that tomorrow is Pea's day.

Funny how the little signs in life can give you so much comfort! I just thought it was a neat story. It even wigged John out a bit!


At 7:36 AM, Blogger ~Tanya~ said...

Very cool story to be added to Pea's baby book. I totally believe in signs too, I can hardly believe Pea will be here tomorrow! TOMORROW!! WOW!
Thinking of you, John, & Pea.

At 7:51 PM, Blogger Kether said...

that gave me goosebumps it was so cool. I have weird number things, too. Now I feel like we have a kinship =)
Tomorrow! Good luck with your induction and may your labor be quick and easy. You are goin to LOVE being a mom.

At 12:18 PM, Blogger Carrie said...

I've always believed in signs being out there. And I totally understand what you mean. The day after I ovulated (which I was in the middle of a HUGE fight with DH and was feeling pretty down in general), my Zen calendar had the following on it: "When the striving ceases, there is life waiting as a gift." I took it very literally and kept it in mind during the next 2 weeks while I waited to test...and sure enough, it was right.

Here's hoping Pea comes today since 13 is obviously your lucky number!! :D


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