Tuesday, April 05, 2005

I'm Ready - Why Isn't She?

Well, I'm back from my 39-week appointment. We went ahead and did the ultrasound as planned, and checked her size. It looks like despite my huge belly growth (up another cm this week to 41), she's not all that big. The doctor estimated she's about 7 pounds 3 ounces right now. Nothing too scary, even for my size.

He did an internal again and I am barely 2 cm dilated and about 65% effaced. But she has not dropped at all. She's still very high. We talked after my exam and the doctor recommended that we not try to induce this week. He felt that with her being so high, it's better to wait and see what happens in a week. He said it can be a difficult induction when the baby is so high. So I will go with his advice and wait.

He did bring up c-sections again. He said that 75% of women drop by their due date. Of the 25% who do not, about 50% of those will end up with a c-section. Most of the time the baby just won't fit. So he's still concerned about that, but again, we'll wait and see what happens next week. The good news is that he's out of the office on Tuesday, so I'll go in Monday instead. Only 6 days instead of 7. :)

I can't help but be a little disappointed. I really would have liked to meet my baby girl this week. I'm just so ready. The last couple of weeks have gotten really tough. It's hard to see the end in sight, even though it's so close. And I'm so tired of people always calling and asking questions and wanting updates. My mom is even doing this! As if I wouldn't call her when I went into labor!

Anyway, I'm just tired. I think I need a nice nap. I'm going to try to leave work early and get some rest tonight. It's been an emotional week, and now I'm in for another one. Pea is stubborn, just like her parents. I guess she's just comfy in there. I can't blame her I guess - although I did have a little chat with her on the way home from the doctor's. I'm trying to convince her that she wants to come out - so far it's not working.


At 12:46 PM, Blogger Carrie said...

I guess Pea wants to come on her terms. ;) I know you're disappointed, but just think...you have a few more days to finish up whatever you need to do. And who knows? There's still time for her to make an early appearance!

Thinking of you!!

At 8:11 PM, Blogger Kether said...

I'm sending you labor vibes and soon!
Oh, Pea, please come out. Please? Please?

Thinking of you Lauren. Hoping it is soon!

At 5:55 AM, Blogger Rosanne said...

Isn't that like all little girls, don't want to listen to mommmy. Maybe if John told her, she'll listen to him. Also tears help. Maybe you can bribe her out with candy. Is she too little to gnaw on some twizzlers? :)

At 7:23 AM, Blogger ~Tanya~ said...

I know you are disappointed but you did make me chuckle thinking about what you may have been talking to pea about, LOL.
And then Rosanne's comment on bribing her out. Oh what we won't do for our children.
Thinking of you & sending up cooperation vibes for pea.
Mommy's ready, Come Out! Come Out!


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