Monday, April 11, 2005

A Date is Set!

Well, I went to the doctor again today and as expected, no change and no drop! Still dilated 2 cm, still 65% effaced, and still -2 station. Pea hasn't dropped a bit! But I could tell that.

So I was escorted back into Dr. L's office to once again discuss my options since we were now at the 40 week mark (well, one day short). The baby's weight comes into play again. We know she was around 7 pounds last week, but with a gain of 1/2 a pound a week, she could be 8 pounds by next week. Dr. L thinks that I could deliver a 7-pound baby ok, but he has his doubt about anything over 8.

So I had a choice - induce this week or wait to see what happens by next Monday (and then induce if nothing). Let me think about that a second...let's induce! I'm ready. So ready. And John can be here. And it just all works out. So he called the hospital to see if Wednesday or Thursday would be good (he's out tomorrow) and Wednesday was pretty open - only 1 other induction scheduled. So I'm on the list for Wednesday the 13th. If for some reason everyone goes into labor Tuesday night I may not get in, but he doubts it will be an issue. So Pea could be here Wednesday. Yikes!!!!

Dr. L thinks I have about a 50% chance of a c-section, but he'll try to induce and go vaginally first. He doesn't want to just resort to a c-section. I am totally good with that. He promised not to make me go too long if it's not working. So we'll see what happens.

I'm a bit freaked out - in a good way. I'm excited, nervous, happy, scared - everything. All fears are out the window for the moment and I don't even mind the tons of emails and phone calls I've been getting all morning. I have also decided that today is my last day of work. I'm taking tomorrow off as a "relax and last minute planning" day. I really just can't concentrate anyway, so I'll take a vacation day to finish up last minute chores and just rest. My mom decided to take it off too now - she's as useless as I am today.

So that's the scoop! I can't wait - Pea will be in my arms this week. Yeaaaaa!


At 5:36 PM, Blogger Carrie said...

Congrats and best wishes!!! Can't wait to hear the news...that Pea's here! :D

At 5:38 PM, Blogger Rosanne said...

Oh this is sooo exciting! Only a few more days. I think you and your mom should both get massages tomorrow. If that doesn't relax you I don't know what will. I'm sure everything well go great and you and Pea will be snuggling together before you know it!

At 9:40 PM, Blogger Kether said...

omigosh! I'm jumping up and down excited for you! Wednesday!! woohoo!


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