Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Still so much to do!

I guess there's a reason that women are pregnant for nine months - it's because there is so much to do to plan for the little one's arrival! It reminds me of planning a wedding. I have lists of tasks to complete and checklists of things to do. The only problem is that you don't have a really firm deadline!

I got some more things accomplished over the past week. One of the most important things to me - getting Pea registered for day care. There are not many day care choices downtown where I work, so I really wanted to make sure she got into the one I wanted. Luckily I called and did my visit early enough and there is no waiting for a July/August timeframe, so she's in. I put down a deposit on riday and even got her little backpack from them - so cute! I feel good about getting that done. It's important to make sure I feel comfortable and happy about where she will be.

Over the weekend I registered. Definitely not as important, but fun nonetheless! I was a little worried because I somehow managed to agree to let one of my friend's come along who wanted to give me lots of advice - this is the friend who I have blogged about before who has not been very supportive until I got pregnant. She kept warning me before we went that I couldn't get mad at her if I took her advice and didn't like it. Like I would do that! Anyway, it turned out to go better than expected. She was VERY helpful (she has a 16 month old) and most everything she recommended fell in line with my research. I was glad to have her there in the end, even though I was worried about it.

Besides registering, I was able to pick up a lot of the little things I will need - burp clothes, wash clothes, nursing pads, bottles, etc. Things to check off my "to buy" list. It's still got quite a bit on it, but I made a nice dent.

Last week I registered us for our birthing/parenting class. I wasn't for sure if we should go, but decided to in the end. My doctor has mentioned it several times, so I thought it would be a good idea. I couldn't get an all-day Saturday class at my hospital though, so we will be going to a different branch for the class. But before that, we are signed up for a tour of the hospital I will be delivering at. So we'll be ok in the end. John talked to several friends who went through the class and he didn't really know it was optional - and I never volunteered that it was. Since he thought it was the norm, I didn't even have to persuade him!

On Saturday night, John and I finally went to browse paint samples. We compared them to the bedding and narrowed it down. John totally threw me off on this though. I knew he didn't want pink or green, so I had assumed yellow. But when we got to Home Depot, he wanted to look at light purples. Purple? Where did that come from? He didn't want pink because it's too girly, but purple is just as much so. I love light purple, but I wasn't sure it would work with the bedding. So we took some color squares, but of course none of them look good with the bedding. Except one that is really light and almost pink. So today I ordered some samples online so we can test them out (John won't buy until we test the color - it took us about 3 weeks to decide on a color for our bedroom). I ordered light pinks and yellows. So I have no idea what we'll end up going with in the end. Hopefully we will get them this weekend.

Anyway, I feel like we are continuing to make progress. I think just about every day I walk into the closet of the empty nursery and browse at the growing assortment of baby stuff. I can't help myself. :) It's getting so exciting! 27 weeks today - 13 to go!


At 3:39 PM, Blogger Carrie said...

Wow, you had a busy weekend! I hadn't even thought of looking into daycare as early as you have...darn, that's another thing I need to look into! Glad to hear registering went better than you thought. As for the class, we're still undecided. How much can they really prepare you anyway? And the hospital I'll be delivering at is an hour away, so I don't want to make any more trips there than necessary... I hope it works out well for you!!

At 6:59 PM, Blogger Rosanne said...

Yeah on all that you got done. You are so organized. Glad to hear John's cooperating with the "correct" color choice! ;)


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