Thursday, January 06, 2005

The Doctor is Back In

I had my 26 week appointment today, and things went much better than last time. Maybe my doctor was just having a terrible day last time and indirectly took it out on me. Needless to say, I feel much more comfortable today than I did three weeks ago.

First off, I did gain 2 pounds. However, my doctor actually said that I did a great job managing my weight and that I did better than all his other patients over the holidays. Well that's finally some good news in the weight department! That definitely set a better tone for the rest of the appointment and made me feel much better.

I asked about the iron and why he chose to start me on iron last appointment and not sometime before. I felt comfortable with his answer - he had some concerns about the Thalassemia and wanted to think about that, plus he thought that earlier in the pregnancy my stomach might be more sensitive. He wanted to wait until I was farther along so my stomach could handle the extra iron. Ok, not a bad answer. I'm ok with that.

I told him I wanted to stay on the extra folic acid, and he was fine with that. He admitted that it could not hurt.

I asked a few other things, and all was fine. Pea was measuring right on again (according to my stomach size) and her heartbeat was 148 bpm. She must have moved in the last couple of days, because instead of distinct kicks, I'm now getting twitches that I can tell are from her and a little farther inside. She must have burrowed in a little or something!

Next appointment I do the glucose tolerance test and I am now officially going to see the doctor every 2 weeks. Wow! This is starting to move along.

I feel much better than I did last time. I'll have to see how the whole birth experience goes before I make a decision on whether or not I stay with him long term, but I feel more confident now about staying with him throughout the pregnancy.


At 5:12 PM, Blogger Rosanne said...

Lauren, Congrats on the great appt! Why is it that docs that their bad days out on patients? I'm glad you were able to get all your questions answered and you won't have to go on a search for a new doc at this stage of the game. Yeah for you and yeah for Pea!


At 7:55 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lauren, I'm so glad you appt went well. And I love your bedding. Too cute!! I think the nursey will be beautiful when we you are finished.

Jen (jennylu from FF)

At 10:52 AM, Blogger Christine said...

Yay on the great appointment!!! And congrats on keeping your weight in check!! I definitely cannot say the same!!

GL on the glucose scan. Charm started having a party about 5 minutes after I drank the fruit punch. Woo hoo a sugar buzz!!


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