Monday, January 03, 2005

99 Days

Holy cow - I made it from triple digits to double digits! Considering my ticker started at 251 days (4w1d), this is a huge accomplishment in my mind! It's so exciting to finally be able to say that the baby will be here "this year". And in just about 3 months or so! I still don't think it's gone very fast as a whole though. It seems like forever ago that I found out I was pregnant - 5 months tomorrow, to be exact.

So I'm feeling better about where I am as far as getting things done. I did meet my goal and I have the nursery completely cleared out now. Not a thing left in it. Only the closet has stuff in it, and it's all baby related. Several times this weekend I just sat on the floor of the empty room and smiled, thinking about how the baby will live here. I mentally planned where I would put everything and tried to picture my little girl. It was such a pleasant feeling.

I got John out again to look at furniture. We still didn't find anything we liked better than the set we found at BRU. And yesterday we went back to BRU to look at it again. We're still not 100% sure, so we didn't order it. But we did ask questions and find out how long it takes to come in and such - that won't be an issue. We still have time. I also showed him the chair I liked and he liked it too, so we will probably get it. I wasn't sure how he'd feel about pink gingham, but he's ok with it and thought it was really comfortable.

While at BRU, I bought the bedding. I had picked out this pattern a long time ago for a girl, and it's still my favorite. So I bought it.


The green comes out darker than it really is in this picture - it's really more of a mint green. I think we are probably going to paint the room in a light yellow (there are a few yellow accents in the bedding). I think it will look ok, even though the bedding is mostly pink and green. I just don't want a pink room and we already have a green room, so I want something different. Next weekend we are going to look at paint samples.

I'm happy to see things in progress because last week I was starting to get nervous. I still haven't registred, but I did spend a LOT of time on Amazon last week reading product reviews and making decisions about what I want to register for. So I'll be going in with a very good list to start with.


At 3:33 PM, Blogger Kether said...

Happy double digits! I remember that was a big day for me, too.
I LOVE the bedding! and yellow sounds great. 'course I'm partial to yellow because that's what I used. =)
You're way ahead of me. I didn't register until past 30 weeks and the nursery wasn't cleaned out until the other day. You're on the ball!

At 11:50 AM, Blogger Jackie said...

Wow Lauren! I really like the crib set you picked out - very nice! Geez - you don't have much longer at all. Where on earth did the time go? I still remember when you got your BFP like it was only a couple of months ago. I'm so happy for you!


At 5:09 PM, Blogger Carrie said...

Congrats on completing more steps toward the arrival of your little one! :) I love the bedding set you got!

At 1:16 PM, Blogger ~Tanya~ said...

Lauren - Love your ambition, you are always so busy. What an accomplishment on the nursery. Love the bedding, too cute, of course the little ballet shoes remind me of my nieces. Oh how fun it would be to have a little girl.

At 2:51 PM, Blogger Rosanne said...

Lauren, Love the crib set! Its soooo cute! Definately says girl without screaming it.

At 10:55 AM, Blogger Christine said...

Oh, I love it!! I'm so jealous that you are so organized!!! I have nothing prepared!!! The bedding is gorgeous. I love the pink and green combo. Make sure that you post pictures of the rooms once it's painted and has furniture, etc! I can't wait to see!! What a little princess your Pea will be!!


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