Friday, November 12, 2004

Preparing for Pea

Last weekend we finally started clearing out what will be the nursery. It is currently my craft room and I have stuff everywhere. So it's been a big chore, but it's been fun to think about what will be in there soon. And it's exciting to be at a point where we need to start thinking about all of that. Before it's just been a plan, but now it's taking shape.

We still have a long way to go before we're even close to being ready for Pea, but the little things are neat to experience finally. We bought a new shelf/storage unit thing back in March '03 after we learned I was pregnant in preparation for my craft room moving to the 3rd floor. We didn't do anything with it though, as it was too early to start moving things up there. Well, I never got to do the move. And it took 20 months to finally start the move. So I guess it's understandable why something as small as this would make me happy. It's another milestone met. Those are huge.

So the big ultrasound is 4 days away now. I don't know what I'm going to do if Pea doesn't cooperate because I'm so anxious to know what s/he is! My cousin and his wife (who is due 3 days after me) just found out yesterday that they are having a girl. The word from my aunt is that they are "disappointed". WTH? Words that obviously come from two people who don't know any better and don't know how great they have it. I'm sure they will end up loving and cherishing that little girl with all their heart, but still - it still hurts to hear those words today. I could never be disappointed with my baby.

I had another dream about the baby last night. It's a strange one. I went to get the big u/s and it was me, my mom, the doctor and a bunch of people sitting around a conference table. Then the doctor starts handing people different pieces of a baby doll (it was a soft doll and pretty big). I got the head and torso and arms. We were supposed to examine it or something to make sure everything was ok. It was very strange. But from that, we learned that Pea was a boy. My second boy dream. I told my best friend last night on the phone that I was really starting to think it will be a boy, so I guess that's where it came from. Pretty funny. Strange I know, but funny.


At 8:18 AM, Blogger ~Tanya~ said...

It must feel so good to finally be able to re-arrange to make room for baby. Hping Pea cooperates on the Big Day.

You girls & your dreams, Wow.....that is a strange one. 2 boy dreams now, Hmmm..... Can't wait until the big announcement after your u/s. I will be checking your blog.

At 3:34 PM, Blogger Kether said...

Oh Lauren, How exciting! I can't wait to hear what Pea is. I know what you mean about getting the room ready for the baby--our room was a "storage" room so its a long way from being ready--but its painted and the crib is up!
Take good care of yourself. can't wait to hear your u/s update

At 11:00 AM, Blogger Carrie said...

Yay! A big step in the right direction! I was stressing over how to make room for our baby yesterday, too... although I don't think rearranging will help. But you must feel like a huge weight is off your shoulders now.

I hope Pea cooperates! I can't believe you're at that point already!!


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