Tuesday, November 16, 2004

It's a....

GIRL! I honestly would have been absolutely thrilled either way, but I am really excited about our little girl! Even more exciting is that everything looked great in the ultrasound - everything measured on target, spinal cord was normal, heart was normal, etc. They found absolutely nothing wrong. It doesn't rule our chromosome problems or Downs, but it is still comforting to know that everything looks fine so far.

Pea was so active during the ultrasound! She wouldn't stay still for a second and the tech had a really hard time keeping her still to get a good look at her heart. She kept blocking the shot with her arm too. But she wasn't shy at all about spreading her legs open and giving us a good look there - the tech was entirely confident it was a girl. The doctor said the typical "don't go buying all pink just yet", but she said it was a girl too. She was so adorable - she kept kicking and moving around and rubbing her face. It was incredible.

My mom came with me since John is out of town. This was the first time my mom saw Pea and she was amazed - and she cried the entire time. When they announced it was a girl, she cried even harder. It was sweet - but she made me cry too! She could not have been more excited, so I'm glad she got to see.

One interesting thing that made me feel better - so far, I had that one time where I was sure I felt movement from Pea, but not much more than that. When the doctor came in to review the results with me and do her own ultrasound, she pointed out that my placenta was in the front and that it was nice and thick, giving me a lot of padding. She said that it might be awhile before I really felt her move because of that. So that made me feel good! It's hard hearing about other people feeling so much so early, but the doctor said the placenta is in the back a lot of times and that's why some women feel the baby so much earlier. Good to know!

So I'm on cloud nine right now and feeling great!

Thanks for all your of nice comments on my belly shots - you all are so sweet to me!


At 4:42 PM, Blogger Kether said...

You'll have to buy up all the pink stuff I'm dying to buy. That's the hardest thing...girls have such CUTE stuff.
I'm so happy that everything looked great, that your mom was able to be there! A girl! congratulations!

At 5:18 AM, Blogger Christine said...

YAY!!!! WOO HOO!!!! COngrats on seeing your healthy DAUGHTER!!!!!! Ok, give it up...what's her name?????!!!!


At 7:45 AM, Blogger ~Tanya~ said...

Way to go Pea, way to be so cooperative little GIRL!
That is so cute she was putting on a show for you. How special too that your mom got to be there.
So glad that everything looks great! Thinking about you and the little one.


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