Tuesday, June 15, 2004

Too much of a good thing?

Knowledge is power, right? But everyone agrees that too much power is not a good thing. So is too much knowledge bad too?

I love the internet. I can find just about anything I want to here. If it wasn't for the internet, there's no way I could have healed as well as I have the last year and a half. I definitely depend on it daily and if it wasn't for the internet, I think my life would be completely different - and not in a good way.

Anytime I visit a doctor or have something going on with me related to pregnancy, my immediate reaction is to research it as much as I can on the internet. I'm starting to wonder if this is always a good thing. This morning I started researching the gene mutation I found out I have - MTHFR. My RE isn't particularly concerned about it and doesn't think it is causing my miscarriages, but he is bumping up my folic acid and B-6 intake just to do something different. That's about all he has said. But the internet - well, it talks about increased chances of heart disease and increased likelihood of having a baby with Downs or an NTD. Ok - that's pretty scary! So I try not to let it get to me too much - I can't control that, right?

So then I started researching the chromosome problem that caused our last loss - Triploidy. The information I found was mostly just informative and I didn't learn anything particularly interesting, just more about possible causes, all of which my doctor discussed with me already. I found a research paper that was written by someone and I was reading through it, learning nothing spectacular, and then the very last line just hit me like a ton of bricks - it meantioned that Triploidy is commonly preceded or followed by a molar pregnancy. What??? And that was it. Nothing else. No other information supporting that statement. How could you possibly end a paper with something as hard hitting as that? Now I need to know more. I've NEVER heard that before. Is it true? Am I going to have a molar pregnancy next?

So maybe I do need to take a step back from my research for a minute. There is no evidence this is true. There is nothing to say I will or will not have a molar pregnancy next. I think I need to put the power to rest for a bit and just relax and concentrate on getting pregnant first. There will be enough worries to come after that, I don't need anymore.


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