Wednesday, May 18, 2005

A Super-Quick Update

Just wanted to let Blog-world know that Ava and I are still here and alive. Unfortunately I have been so busy with her, and blogs have just fallen in the line of priorities lately. Taking a shower and washing bottles seem to be the goals for the day!

Things are going well, but taking care of a little one definitely is hard work! I wouldn't trade it for anything, but I won't lie and say it hasn't been a struggle. There are some days I still cry just because I don't know what to do - and nothing seems right. But Ava has been very good for the most part. She has her nights down and sleeps pretty well. I don't think she cries excessively at all. She doesn't nap well during the day though, thus the reason I am never here. And it's very hard to keep a 1-month old entertained.

Each day I get to know her better though, and each day gets a little easier. I'm happy and I couldn't ask for anything better. She is truly a joy and I love her more and more each day - although I always think I can't possibly love her more - then I find a way!

On Monday afternoon she smiled back at me several times in a row, assuring me it wasn't just gas. My heart melted and all the struggles were forgotten once again. Those moments definitely outweigh the bad ones!

I hope everyone is well and I'm sorry for the lack of posting and blog reading. I think of you all!


At 11:31 AM, Blogger Jackie said...

No need to apologize - we're a patient audience and sympathetic to the demands of Motherhood! You're doing a great job at being Mom, I love hearing about everything. Ava sounds like true joy!


At 3:42 PM, Blogger Kether said...

I cried a lot in the beginning. It was hard..just adjusting let alone the work involved. Now it seems like its always been this way--though its still hard.

We understand! don't apologize! i am just anxious to hear all about her when you DO get time =)

At 4:26 PM, Blogger Rosanne said...

As everyone else said, don't apologize for spending time with your beautiful daughter. If you'd spent more time with us, you may have missed that first smile. Enjoy her while she's so little. We'll still be here once she's older and you have more you time.


At 10:38 AM, Blogger Taylor said...

I was shocked to see your post up this afternoon! During my daily blog reading routine I always stop by to see if you have updated and wondering how you all are. So glad to hear that everything is going well. My daughter just turned 4 months old and she is so much fun now. Great times are ahead...can't wait to hear more!

At 10:33 AM, Blogger ~Tanya~ said...

No apologies, You have been waiting for you, John & Ava to be together. No question why you have not been blogging. Enjoy all the moments you have no matter how small they seem.

At 6:08 PM, Blogger Christine said...

I'm so glad that you've posted!!! It is so hard to get to the computer these days, isn't it?? Take your time, and post when you can. It is more important that you spend your time getting to know Ava.

It's so true about those smiles. They can wipe out all memory of a bad night or a poopy diaper...

Hey, Happy (late!) Mothers' Day! Enjoy every minute with your little princess!!



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